Category Archives: blogging

this beautiful community


One of the sweetest gifts I’ve received through my blog and through my Instagram is the friendships I’ve gained. Over this past year I have come to know some wise, witty, and lovely ladies, who I’m blessed to now call darling friends. Amongst all the superficiality that can reign in social media it is so refreshing to come across all the beautiful souls that are seeking to encourage vulnerability, truth, joy, gratitude, creativity, delights of simplicity, the reality of daily life, and treasuring that reality. I’m so thankful for the multitude of them I have found and for the grace, beauty, and testimonies of God’s goodness they are to, truly, hundreds and thousands of people.

These women, whether they be personal friends of mine or not, have been rich encouragements to me. They have spurred me on in my walk with the Lord and in my roles as wife, mommy, daugher, sister, aunt, and friend. They have reminded me of the gift it is to be open and vulnerable with others, to welcome one another into our lives, and to give of ourselves; we have been given one another to walk this life with, let us be faithful to do it! They have inspired me in creativity, to be bold and brave, to try new things, to love food even more that I already did :), to add to my list of places to travel, to read more, and to savor the beauty found in “ordinary” things. I am so thankful for each one of these ladies and the pieces of their lives that they share.

Several of these women have become personal sweet friends of mine and I treasure that. I have been amazed at the Lord’s kindness in bringing such lovely women into my life to walk with me, even though we live far apart. I was able to meet one of these lovelies, Autumn, over Christmas, and we had one of the sweetest, most encouraging conversations and I left even more grateful to know her. I was a bit nervous wondering how our time would go, but 2 minutes in and every nervous wondering I had melted away and we had easy, authentic, deep conversation for hours. To have gained such a friendship through blogging, social media, and emails —- I just love that. I cannot wait for more coffee dates with her and my other dearies in the coming months and years, for our friendships to deepen, and for hours of conversation to be shared over these outlets and over food and drink in the years to come.

My heart is full. I’m so grateful for this sweet community.