Category Archives: Christmas

happy friday // 20

This Friday finds us jetting off to the stunning state of Colorado to spend Christmas with our Coobs side of the family. And we are quite excited! The mountains, the dry air, cozy days, Christmas anticipation, and family time = sweet memories ahead. We are eager to see those shining faces that await when we land in about 2 hours. Living far from family, both in TX & CO, makes the times we are all together extra wonderful and we are anxious for a full week ahead to soak up that good family time.

We have been reminded multiple times over the past few months how tremendously blessed we are with the family we have. They are treasures. Though we often wish we could pop over to the folks’ house or have nephew/cousin playtimes or have weekly coffee dates with one or more of our 5 wonderful siblings, we have learned to not miss the present by filling it with the “if only’s” and to focus instead on sharing the moments we do have and making the most of every piece of our visits. The goodbyes definitely get tough, but we always remind ourself of one of our favorite quotes: Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” And we’ve shared a lot of good “happenings” with those dear people we are blessed to call family.

Are any of you traveling for Christmas yet? What are you lovelies up to this December weekend??


The Kitchen 

1. The potholders that are hanging in my little kitchen are in a sad state of affairs right now. I’m picky, though, even about potholders. So, you can imagine my delight when I came across these portsmouth potholders at Anthropologie and saw, what else, but the stripes! Perfection. And there’s a matching apron which I love.

2. I’ve been wanting to add a Madeleine pan to my baking collection for a while. They are just so dainty and light and pretty — a lovely accompaniment to my afternoon coffee.

3. Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking has been on my wish list for quite the length of time. I am eager to excel more in the kitchen with Julia as my fearless and witty guide.

4. Speaking of Mrs. Child, I love this quote of hers. One of my dearest friends gave me a print of it and it hangs over my stove. The perfect kitchen or dining room quotation.

5. I am just a klutz. Because of that fact I have broken over half of our drinking glasses. We now have 4 left. Our glasses cabinet needs to be filled. I came across these Picardie Glass Tumblers at Williams-Sonoma and I love that they look like the type of glass you’d use at a cute cafe or little bistro. In fact, the description on the Williams-Sonoma website says, “Standard in French bistros and cafés….” —- glass perfection, my friends.

6. I must end with a recipe. In keeping with my French theme I am sharing with you the The Pioneer Woman’s French Silk Pie. I’ve shared it before, but it is worth sharing again. It is simple, it is pretty, and it is so richly decadent.

Happy Friday, my darling friends. I hope that this next week, Christmas week, is full to the brim with joyful anticipation, beautiful gatherings, and sweet memories for each one of you. May your hearts be encouraged, your sweet tooth indulged, and your days merry and bright. I’m grateful for each one of you.



This past Saturday afternoon my loves and I spent a few hours enjoying one of our favorite Christmas traditions — making treats. We started the full-fledged tradition last year since Little was able to do a bit more and we had the very best time. With a tiny kitchen we spread out on the dining table and get to work. Christmas music plays, delectable smells fill our little home, sprinkles and flour cover the floor and we soak up every bit of it.

Our AK has become the best helper and she loves anything to do with the kitchen, particularly baking, just like her momma. And being able to indulge in quite the load of sprinkles and melted chocolate was an added bonus for her……and her parents, too. We made Christmas cutout sugar cookies topped with icing and sprinkles, rolled pretzel rods in white chocolate and topped those with sprinkles, and dipped marshmallows in milk chocolate and peppermint pieces complete with a mini candy cane stuck in the center. Simple, not super time-consuming, and easy for our apron-clad and adorable Little to be hands on with.



As we bagged up several of the treats to share with some friends of ours, AK would pick out the perfect mixture of treats for each friend, naming each of them as she went, and she’d exclaim, “Dey gonna be sooooo ‘cited!” Oh, those moments of seeing her thoughtful and generous heart just burst my mommy’s heart. These times spent together are those memories we will treasure for a lifetime. Enjoying the traditions we started when she was so little and, Lord willing, adding some more little faces as time goes by. These are the moments that will forever be engrained in my heart and mind, the ones that J and I will recall to each other for years to come. Moments like these, when I’m in the company of the two people I love more than anything, the sink is full of dirty dishes, music is playing, our clothes are covered in flour and various sticky substances, and our little home is warm and cheery — moments like these, when life is being beautifully lived, I’m just overwhelmed by the kindness and grace of God and how He’s blessed me.

Traditions are like that. They are beautiful, grace-filled, entertaining, messy moments that have become treasured memories, and you never grow tired of repeating them.


I hope you darlings are enjoying such a cozy Christmas season, full to the brim of sweet things. I’d love to know what your favorite traditions are in this season! What are you filling your days with?

cherishing advent


My husband and I have been learning something sweet over the past few weeks — the joy that comes when we truly cherish the advent season. Both as we have anticipated the coming advent and christmas season and as we now find ourselves in it. We have prayed and sought that this year we wouldn’t just go through our advent routine, but that our hearts behind the actions and the atmosphere in our home would be such that the hope of Christ would be the greatest theme.

The last months have been heavy. It’s been a season of transition for us and also a season of waiting. We have been learning, to an intense and sanctifying depth, what it means to trust the Lord with every bit of life, in every moment of the day. We have been learning to then rest, in the waiting. To remember that He knows the plans He has for us (Jer. 29:11) and He has our good and His glory in mind (Rom. 8:28). To be obedient to the work He is doing in us in the waiting and to anticipate, with hopeful thoughts, what He has for us in the days ahead. And even more for us, to savor the waiting. To have joy in the process. To be eager for what He has planned, but to not miss what He is doing in us now. To stop trying to push past the present and rush toward the future. The times we find ourselves doing that are the times we realize we’re losing sight of the truth that satisfaction won’t come with “what’s next.” Satisfaction, complete and full satisfaction, comes only in the form of Jesus. And when He is that for us there is joy in the waiting, for we want for nothing else.

So this advent season, this season that we celebrate the coming of Christ, has been deep and meaningful for us. Our hearts have been learning of this very theme — waiting, anticipation, longing. And what sweeter timing in our lives than now to be reminded of the One who doesn’t disappoint at the end of waiting, the One who is fully satisfying, the One who brings the greatest joy.

A couple wonderful Advent studies that we’ve been using:
 The Village Church Advent Guide & John Piper’s Good News of Great Joy

holiday reads


I am a book lover always and at Christmas time, with the coziness of the Christmas lights glow and tunes on in the background, snuggling up with a good read and a peppermint hot chocolate is one of the best ways to spend a wintry evening. There are the wonderful Christmas classics that you crack out every December and then there are the favorites that may only have a small tie to Christmas in the writing, but for you, they are the perfect read for this time of year.

I gathered up a few of my favorites, and Little’s as well, to share with you lovelies, for yourselves and for your families; and I’d love if y’all shared with me, too!

1. ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

2. Bear Stays Up for Christmas

3. The Story of Holly & Ivy

4. The Polar Express

5. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

6. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 

7. A Christmas Carol

8. Little Women

9. Pride & Prejudice

10. Sense & Sensibility

11. Anne Of Green Gables

Links for each book: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 //